Tuesday, 19 November 2013


This was fun - free reference management software has come a long way since I last looked at it (many years ago).  Nothing is without its irritations of course and the first one I encountered was that the username PaulineBlagden was already taken. Scary thought, a namesake.  After that things went quite well.  As I was doing this at home, I put in terms that interested me.  The first 'Roman' turned up some fascinating stuff - fairly random though - maybe it was too general a term.  Then I tried Norman Sicily, hoping for articles about Roger etc but most of the results were about genetics or the mafia.
Then I tried importing stuff from Google Scholar - one worked and the other didn't.
At this point I gave up before I identified too many articles which I would really love to read but don't have time to.

Monday, 11 November 2013

My Librarything

You are going to find these books really boring unless you are interested in Roman archaeology but I went to Pompeii this summer and was really glad I did some reading beforehand.


I loved this and am wondering whether to use it as a sort of wish list, all the books that I would like to read - might get rather long and therefore depressing though.  For the purposes of 19 things, I just used it to list some books that I have read this year - more than one so I count that a success.  I do like the way it shows the covers, much prettier than all the bibliographic data.

Meet-o-matic confession time

I did not exactly follow instructions here - sounds really sad but I did not actually want to set up a meeting so what I did was to send messages to myself using my various email addresses.  This meant I could work through all the various stages of the process without having to turn up.  It was very easy to use and definitely more efficient than having emails flying back and forth to try to find a date when everyone is free.